
Having children at home not only brings joy and fun but also calls for greater safety and responsible planning of space in order to keep them safe. For couples, with with children, planning to buy a residential property in India, it is mandatory to know if the property is childproof or not. In case, you plan to buy a property which is not childproof yet, ensure that you take necessary measures to make it childproof before you move in. The childproofing can be done by hiring professionals who are well-equipped and have the knowledge about how the property can be safe for your child.

Importance of childproofing
At the growing age, children are curious about their environment and the things around them. Whether it is a toddler or a four-year-old, the home is a huge playground where their imagination runs wild. This also means that there can be multiple places in your home where an accident is just waiting to occur. By barricading the possible areas of accident, will ensure their safety and your peace of mind. In fact, many upcoming projects in India add childproofing as a key feature to their apartments.

What are the danger zones?
To identify the danger are, look at your home from a toddler’s point of view. Angular corners, sharp-edged furniture, low lying electrical sockets, slippery floors, and even poisonous cleaning products within their reach, can pose serious baby hazards. Any place where a baby can get hurt is a potential danger zone that needs to be childproofed.

Steps to childproof
The first step towards childproofing is to remove or cover everything sharp, pointed, and heavy from the child’s path.


  • Have non-slippery mats outside the bathroom and next to the bathtubs to ensure they do not slip. Never leave your child unattended during a bath.
  • Toilet lids should be locked to prevent children from tipping over or slamming it on their hands or heads.
  • Cabinets, if any, should be locked as these largely are used for storing medicines, soaps and shampoos, which can pose danger if consumed out of curiosity.
  • All electric outlets/sockets should be covered with proofing gadgets to prevent accidental electrocution. Children tend to put their fingers in the electrical sockets.

Balcony and terrace

  • Children should not be allowed on balconies and terraces alone. They should always be accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • The balconies should have grilles, barricades, and protective railings, and designed in a manner that there is minimal space between the bars of the grille, enough to prevent a mishap.


  • Kitchen cabinets should have locks to keep sharp objects like knives and scissors away from children’s reach.
  • Installing stops in drawers will stop toddlers from bring them out on themselves.
  • Install stove knobs that come with in-built locking mechanisms, so that even if the child can reach the stove, they are unable to operate it.
  • Keep the fridge and microwave locked when not in use.
  • Use a retractable electrical cable for coffee makers, toasters and microwaves so that children cannot pull the cords.

Bedrooms and living room

  • Children spend a lot of time in these rooms. Have a minimal decor until child grows up a little. Too many artifacts, breakable or heavy, and sharp-edged furniture can be a cause of injury to children.
  • Get stoppers installed on all the doors, prohibiting baby’s fingers from getting pinched.
  • Keyholes on the doors should preferably be double-sided and child-friendly to prevent a child from being accidentally locked inside the home.
  • Electrical covers should be placed on unused sockets. Switches and regulators should be installed out of the reach of small hands.
  • Place corner bumpers on all sharp edges to prevent bumps on the head.
  • If you have a staircase, fix a baby gate on the top and bottom of it.

The installation process all the safety measures and equipments should be completed before you move in. Though this comes with a price, but that is worth paying for when it ensures a safe environment for your child.

Hygiene at home plays a great role in maintaining the good health of the new born. Thus, it becomes important to go for a deep cleaning process before the new born enters the home. It is as important as stocking up on diapers.

Here are some additional tips:

Basic Housecleaning

It is important to have a thorough cleaning of the home. Avoid going for harsh cleaning solutions and insecticidal sprays. This may leave a negative impact on the health of the baby. Kitchen is one specific place that needs extra attention. An average dishcloth contains around 4 billion living germs. Clean the kitchen floors nicely and regularly.  Bathrooms are another area that needs attention. Use a strong cleanser once a week.

Keep Things Handy

Ensure that the adults can easily reach out for the disinfectant and sanitising sprays. It is also important to keep a basket which can be used to hold all of baby’s belongings. This will help you to easily find things. This will also make you more efficient while doing a full clean up.

Purify the Air

Go for a strict no-shoes policy. Say no to synthetic air fresheners and fragrances. Use clove oil bleach for mold removal. Avoid bleaching in general. Clean the rugs if any. Bring in indoor plants that will purify the air. You can use eco-friendly cleansers made out of lemon etc. This will ensure that the air within the house is clean and healthy for your new born.

Find the right corner for the nursery

It is necessary to find a right space for the nursery in your home. The room must have proper sun light, temperature and electricity. It should be also away from unnecessary noises. This will ensure that the baby enjoys a peaceful sleep.

As the process of cleaning the home is not that easy it becomes important to take the help of other family members. Set tiny goals and divide the work amongst all the family members. This will simplify the process of cleaning the home for the new born.