AK Realty is a Kolkata based Real Estate Firm. It has a wide array of experience coupled with a vast network of information which helps in providing its customers smooth and flawless facilitation.

Our principle witticism is “to highlight the magnificence of life and upgrade the nature of living”. We at AK Realty are of the firm view that in today’s quick paced life, excellence is exhibited within minutes. Our principle endeavour is to ensure that the AK Realty family is provided with the best experience vis-à-vis their properties so that they can enjoy the quintessential time in serenity and joy with friends and family. 

We can assist you to Consult, Buy, Sell, Rent & Lease.

Aligned with our consulting capabilities, we have a diverse repertoire of professionals like Architects, Interior Designers, Furniture Designers, Feng Shui Consultants , Vastu Consultants and Contractors catering to specific service areas. We ensure that you are connected to the right person for the job.

Follow us on Social Media to get latest updates on all property related queries. 

We look forward to establish and nurture a fruitful engagement with you by bringing the best of our abilities on board in the real estate space.



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+91 9903067771 /

033 4601 1103


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Reach Us :

2, Maharshi Debendra Road. Kolkata-700007